Posts tagged software-as-a-service
Cloud Climbs, Software Soars: Public Cloud & Software Spending to Reach $222 Billion in 2024 — IDC

IDC projects public cloud services will reach $219.3 billion by 2027, with the Asia/Pacific region experiencing significant growth in public cloud services and software investments, investing heavily in cloud-based software, data analytics tools, and AI platforms to optimize operations, enhance customer experiences, and gain valuable insights.

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Intelligent Document Processing (IDP) Market to Grow 55-65% by 2022, as Enterprises Seek Lower Costs Through Automation: Everest Group

IDP vendors are expected to offer more out-of-the-box, pre-trained IDP solutions to meet the demand for faster ROI and quicker deployment. Cost impact is now the key driver for IDP adoption as enterprises seek to realize tangible benefits from the technology, closely followed by improving operational efficiency and productivity.

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