Posts tagged supply chain
Autonomy and Asset Tracking Imperative to Support 13% Global E-Commerce Rise in 2022

Material growth in the value of global goods traded over the last five years represents the evolution of globalization, increasing incomes in many locations, and the need to connect people and devices. Baseline forecasts for 2022 exceed anything seen in the prior six or more years. According to ABI Research, e-commerce revenue will grow from $560 billion in 2020 to $8 trillion in 2026.

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Gartner Survey Finds 74% of Logistics Leaders Expect Their Logistics Outsourcing Budget to Increase in the Next 2 Years

Sixty-six percent of logistics leaders increased their logistics outsourcing budget in 2021, and 74% anticipate an increase in the next two years, according to a survey from Gartner, Inc. From March through May 2021 Gartner surveyed 298 supply chain professionals in the U.S., Europe and APAC who had decision-making capacity regarding supply chain outsourcing.

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Worldwide Smart Home Devices Market Grew 10.3% in Third Quarter 2021, Says IDC

The worldwide market for smart home devices grew 10.3% year over year in the third quarter of 2021 (3Q21) with more than 221.8 million device shipments, according to the International Data Corporation (IDC) Worldwide Quarterly Smart Home Device Tracker. Despite persistent supply chain disruptions, unemployment, and an uneven economic recovery, consumer demand remained high for smart home devices like smart TVs, smart speakers, and other devices.

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Four Types of Technology Buying Organizations That Will Influence Go-to-Market Efforts of Tech Marketers in 2021, According to Gartner

70% of global technology buyers are exploring more ways to purchase technology this year, however vendor engagement strategies continue to underdeliver when it comes to meeting tech buyer expectations, according to a survey by Gartner, Inc. Four marketing clusters of technology buying enterprises base key behaviors that influence GTM tactics. As the size of buying teams continues to increase, ideal customer profiles (ICPs) increase in importance.

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Gartner Says Global Chip Shortage Expected to Persist Until Second Quarter of 2022

The worldwide semiconductor shortage will persist through 2021, and is expected to recover to normal levels by the second quarter of 2022. The chip shortage started primarily with devices, such as power management, display devices and microcontrollers, fabricated on legacy nodes at 8-inch foundry fabs, which have a limited supply. The shortage has now extended to other devices, and there are capacity constraints and shortages for substrates, wire bonding, passives, materials, and testing, all of which are parts of the supply chain beyond chip fabs.

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Nearly Two-Thirds of Global Supply Chain Leaders Report Needing Better Technology, Platforms and Data to Meet Cost Goals

Events of the past year have upended the procurement industry, illustrating the fragility of a complex international supply chain and forcing a sea change in the industry. However, according to the 2021 Supply Chain Insights Global Survey from IHS Markit, supply chain professionals often lack the tools, data and platforms needed to diversify their supply chains and optimize their processes.

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No Second Chances: Surviving in Tech Requires Innovation and Ability to Adapt, Finds New Analysis From Bain & Company

By its very nature, technology requires industry players to innovate in order to survive. In fact, technology companies are 12 percent more likely to be disrupted than companies in retail and 25 percent more likely than those in financial services, two other industries that have historically gone through regular disruptions.

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Blockchain to Transform Retail with Asset Tracking Revenues Reaching $4.5 Billion by 2023

New research by Juniper Research found that annual revenues from blockchain retail asset tracking will leap to $4.5 billion by 2023. While anything from gemstones to cars and healthcare can be tracked on blockchain, retail is a hotbed for the technology. Blockchain’s versatility offers retailers transparency in the supply chain, customer loyalty management and operational efficiencies, among other benefits; leading to faster adoption than in other sectors.

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